Latitude: 42.955118 | Longitude: 19.852719 | Country: Montenegro | Year: 2018 |
F | 6.11104 | km2 | Surface area of the drainage basin |
Fm | 2.17795 | km2 | Surface area of smaller portion of the drainage basin |
Fv | 3.93309 | km2 | Surface area of greater portion of the drainage basin |
O | 10.73429 | km | The length of the watershed |
Lv | 2.09035 | km | Natural length of the main watercourse |
Lb | 4.39401 | km | Surface area of greater portion of the drainage basin |
Liz | ["2.88744 ","3.43353 ","3.45258 ","3.81288 ","1.84804 ","0.37191 "] | km | Contour line length |
f | ["1.06843 ","1.12483 ","1.07040 ","1.17339 ","1.22806 ","0.41565 ","0.03029 "] | km2 | The area between the two neighboring contour lines |
h0 | 700 | m | Altitude of the first contour line |
Δh | 100 | m | Equidistance |
Hmin | 622 | m | Lowest altitude in the drainage basin |
Hmax | 1218 | m | Highest altitude in the draigane basin |
ΣL | 2.09035 | km | The total length of the main watercourse with tributaries of 1st and 2nd class |
Lm | 1.98406 | km | The shortest distance between the fountain - head and mouth |
fp | 0.0708 | m | A part of the river basin consisted of a very permeable products from rocks (limestone, sand, gravel) |
fpp | 0.1563 | m | A part of the river basin area consisted of medium permeable rocks (slates, marls, brownstone) |
fo | 0.7729 | m | A part of the river basin consisted of poor water permeability rocks (heavy clay, compact eruptive) |
fs | 0.474517649 | m | Part of the surface area of the drainage basin under the forest |
ft | 0.355936095 | m | Part of the surface area of the drainage basin which is under the grass, meadows, pastures and orchards |
fg | 0.169546257 | m | Part of the surface area of the drainage basin which is bare or under the soils without grass vegetation |
Hb | 157.6 | mm | The volume of the torrent rain |
Up | 100 | years | Incidence |
to | 8.9 | °C | Average annual air temperature |
Hgod | 983.7 | mm | Average annual quantity of precipitation |
6.01 % | Sand, gravel and incoherent soils |
0 % | Saline soils... |
0 % | Decomposed limestone and marls |
88.81 % | Serpentines, red sand stones, flishe deposits |
0 % | Podzols and parapodzols, decomposed schist |
5.18 % | Solid and Schist limestone, Terra Rosa and Humic soil |
0 % | Brown forest soils and Mountain soils |
0 % | Epieugleysol and Marshlands |
0 % | Good structured Chernozems and alluvial well-structured deposits |
0 % | Bare, compact igneous |
0 % | Bare lands |
16.95 % | Plough-lands |
2.95 % | Orchards and vineyards |
9.6 % | Mountain pastures |
23.04 % | Meadows |
28.47 % | Degraded forests |
18.98 % | Well-constituted forests |
2.47 % | Depth erosion |
2.19 % | 80% of the river basin under rill and gully erosion |
1.92 % | 50% of the river basin under rill and gully erosion |
1.65 % | 100% of the river basin under surface erosion |
23.04 % | 100% of the river basin under surface erosion, without visible furrows, ravines and land slides |
0.82 % | 50% of the river basin under surface erosion |
0.55 % | 20% of the river basin under surface erosion |
0 % | There are smaller slides in the watercourse beds |
16.95 % | The river basin mostly under plough-land |
50.4 % | The river basin under forests and perennial vegetation |
A | 1.0013569737125 | / | Coefficient of the river basin form |
m | 0.23853741774346 | / | Coefficient of the watershed development |
B | 1.3907660656212 | km | Average river basin width |
a | 0.57441613866052 | / | (A)symmetry of the river basin |
G | 0.3420612530764 | / | Density of the river network of the basin |
K | 1.0535719685897 | / | Coefficient of the river basin tortuousness |
Hsr | 880.1278243965 | m | Average river basin altitude |
Dsr | 258.1278243965 | m | Average elevation difference of the river basin |
Isr | 25.865286432424 | % | Average river basin decline |
Hleb | 596 | m | The height of the local erosion base of the river basin |
Er | 120.66119035745 | / | Coefficient of the erosion energy of the river basin's relief |
W | 1.7492116539043 | m | Analytical presentation of the water retention in inflow |
S1 | 0.91063 | / | Coefficient of the region's permeability |
S2 | 0.7390057224 | / | Coefficient of the vegetation cover |
2gDF1/2 | 175.92375054324 | m km s-1 | Energetic potential of water flow during torrent rains |
Qmax | 207.36980490112 | m3 s-1 | Maximal outflow from the river basin |
T | 0.99498743710662 | / | Temperature coefficient of the region |
Z | 0.46031952466017 | / | Coefficient of the river basin erosion |
Wgod | 5868.5980086022 | m3 god-1 | Production of erosion material in the river basin |
Ru | 0.27535641258408 | / | Coefficient of the deposit retention |
Ggod | 1615.9560945468 | m3 god-1 | Real soil losses |
Ggod km-2 | 264.43225613754 | m3 km-2 god-1 | Real soil losses per km2 |