Latitude: 36.51887158071369 | Longitude: 52.80924680892626 | Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of | Year: 2021 |
F | 2055.755 | km2 | Surface area of the drainage basin |
Fm | 867.74 | km2 | Surface area of smaller portion of the drainage basin |
Fv | 1188.015 | km2 | Surface area of greater portion of the drainage basin |
O | 102.69 | km | The length of the watershed |
Lv | 101.46 | km | Natural length of the main watercourse |
Lb | 68.79 | km | Surface area of greater portion of the drainage basin |
Liz | ["20 ","74 ","157 ","225 ","266 ","300 ","258 ","242 ","254 ","286 ","327 ","350 ","341 ","352 ","349 ","354 ","359 ","377 ","405 ","418 ","414 ","422 ","448 ","422 ","389 ","327 ","245 ","198 ","145 ","95 ","46 ","26 ","15 | km | Contour line length |
f | ["4.2 ","16.01 ","32.562 ","55.493 ","72.593 ","80.043 ","78.964 ","62.322 ","55.873 ","60.372 ","69.923 ","77.713 ","77.213 ","78.253 ","76.943 ","75.713 ","79.024 ","82.123 ","91.924 ","97.914 ","99.474 ","97.044 ","98.714 ","97.0 | km2 | The area between the two neighboring contour lines |
h0 | 300 | m | Altitude of the first contour line |
Δh | 100 | m | Equidistance |
Hmin | 213 | m | Lowest altitude in the drainage basin |
Hmax | 4003 | m | Highest altitude in the draigane basin |
ΣL | 1574.32 | km | The total length of the main watercourse with tributaries of 1st and 2nd class |
Lm | 18.78 | km | The shortest distance between the fountain - head and mouth |
fp | 0.114 | m | A part of the river basin consisted of a very permeable products from rocks (limestone, sand, gravel) |
fpp | 0.883 | m | A part of the river basin area consisted of medium permeable rocks (slates, marls, brownstone) |
fo | 0.003 | m | A part of the river basin consisted of poor water permeability rocks (heavy clay, compact eruptive) |
fs | 0.337 | m | Part of the surface area of the drainage basin under the forest |
ft | 0.48150 | m | Part of the surface area of the drainage basin which is under the grass, meadows, pastures and orchards |
fg | 0.18150 | m | Part of the surface area of the drainage basin which is bare or under the soils without grass vegetation |
Hb | 50.7 | mm | The volume of the torrent rain |
Up | 25 | years | Incidence |
to | 17 | °C | Average annual air temperature |
Hgod | 729.2 | mm | Average annual quantity of precipitation |
1.17 % | Sand, gravel and incoherent soils |
0 % | Saline soils... |
11.3 % | Decomposed limestone and marls |
2.66 % | Serpentines, red sand stones, flishe deposits |
0 % | Podzols and parapodzols, decomposed schist |
45.16 % | Solid and Schist limestone, Terra Rosa and Humic soil |
33.33 % | Brown forest soils and Mountain soils |
0 % | Epieugleysol and Marshlands |
1.16 % | Good structured Chernozems and alluvial well-structured deposits |
5.23 % | Bare, compact igneous |
1.72 % | Bare lands |
16.43 % | Plough-lands |
0 % | Orchards and vineyards |
48.15 % | Mountain pastures |
0 % | Meadows |
13.7 % | Degraded forests |
20 % | Well-constituted forests |
2.02 % | Depth erosion |
3.03 % | 80% of the river basin under rill and gully erosion |
6.06 % | 50% of the river basin under rill and gully erosion |
8.08 % | 100% of the river basin under surface erosion |
15.15 % | 100% of the river basin under surface erosion, without visible furrows, ravines and land slides |
8.08 % | 50% of the river basin under surface erosion |
8.08 % | 20% of the river basin under surface erosion |
1.01 % | There are smaller slides in the watercourse beds |
14.14 % | The river basin mostly under plough-land |
34.34 % | The river basin under forests and perennial vegetation |
A | 0.19736398580721 | / | Coefficient of the river basin form |
m | 0.63125415302083 | / | Coefficient of the watershed development |
B | 29.884503561564 | km | Average river basin width |
a | 0.31158868639502 | / | (A)symmetry of the river basin |
G | 0.76581110103101 | / | Density of the river network of the basin |
K | 5.4025559105431 | / | Coefficient of the river basin tortuousness |
Hsr | 1807.872145027 | m | Average river basin altitude |
Dsr | 1594.872145027 | m | Average elevation difference of the river basin |
Isr | 43.39525381186 | % | Average river basin decline |
Hleb | 3790 | m | The height of the local erosion base of the river basin |
Er | 179.16224612067 | / | Coefficient of the erosion energy of the river basin's relief |
W | 0.55074291338699 | m | Analytical presentation of the water retention in inflow |
S1 | 0.6667 | / | Coefficient of the region's permeability |
S2 | 0.7689 | / | Coefficient of the vegetation cover |
2gDF1/2 | 8020.4385480552 | m km s-1 | Energetic potential of water flow during torrent rains |
Qmax | 446.90504418541 | m3 s-1 | Maximal outflow from the river basin |
T | 1.3416407864999 | / | Temperature coefficient of the region |
Z | 0.49246318758359 | / | Coefficient of the river basin erosion |
Wgod | 2183558.3318188 | m3 god-1 | Production of erosion material in the river basin |
Ru | 0.22963494092335 | / | Coefficient of the deposit retention |
Ggod | 501421.28852991 | m3 god-1 | Real soil losses |
Ggod km-2 | 243.9110149458 | m3 km-2 god-1 | Real soil losses per km2 |